Wanted to find this douche’s quote and found his blog post, which has some just beautiful nightmare passages:

“it’s got it all, a jew president, a bunch of brainwashed millennials running things, women being shipped womb-first into the meat grinder, homosexual commisars given free reign over the white men’s fates, just everything my kind loves about democracy”

RT: https://poa.st/objects/e67e560d-1487-4c95-8a9e-d7e95361a740

@Badmann “russia is the homeland of replacement theory for export”


Such a testament to their NPC programming that they project that central hub of messaging on everyone else. We get our “hateful” views on our own, building it in our mental garage, and when we go to test fly them at the local airport we find plenty of other guys with similar takes. We find there’s a lot of overlap, and if we’re all building the same designs then chances are we’re getting the closest to accurate truth


@WashedOutGundamPilot @Badmann Yeah, obviously if it weren't for Russian propagandists on 4chan I would have never noticed that over the span of a decade, I practically stopped seeing White people in public in the formally supermajority White city I lived in. Or maybe without the propagandists I would have thought that it was a good thing. Or was it that I'm just evil as a White person and I just deserve it?

Do they really think that without Putin, no one would ever reach the conclusion that a state should represent its ethnic stock? Do they even realize that Putin himself isn't even a Russian nationalist?

@RealAkoSuminoe @Badmann @WashedOutGundamPilot Yes. Because that is exactly how they operate. They wait for the globohomo controlled propaganda outlets to give them what the approved worldview is, and they assume that we simply do as they do an wait for our instructions on how to think, only with a different source.

Projection, plain and simple.

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