
I care not whether a politician "cares" about me or not, or whether they live by their proclaimed values. What I do care about is how much are they interfering with my life.

As useless as Republicans are, they generally do not interfere with what I want to do. Democrats, on the other hand, do.

Obviously Rinos are in the same boat as Democrats many times in terms of messing with my life. So I really do not win even if I vote straight Republican. Still, the lesser evil is still usually less bad.

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@houseoftolstoy I simply refuse to vote for anyone that does not represent me.
Sometimes people think "strategic voting" is just voting for the lesser of 2 bad options, but not always. For example, if enough people vote for a specific spoiler candidate, it can deliver a message to one of the two major parties that they need to change. It might contribute to losing the current election, but who cares if the person you're hiring for the job is just as bad but has a different letter next to their name?

You don't always vote for the spoiler, but in certain instances, at certain moments, it can fundamentally change the conversation. If you get 5% of the vote you were supposed to get 0% of, everyone's watching.
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