@CoQ_10 Yeah yeah, women retarded and all that.

But this IS a great chance to talk about the risk of any group to be blind to expertise outside itself. Too often high-level nerds in any discipline approach things with near willful blindness to the idea that anyone else knows something they do not.

The fact the paper made it through review in 1994 tells me that those responsible for reviewing it probably didn’t understand much more than she did, they too were probably non-math biology retards.


@WashedOutGundamPilot @CoQ_10 To make matters worse, it looks like she saw the formula as specific to her field of research rather than a general solution for solving for the area under a curve. Why else would she label it as being for "Glucose Tolerance and Other Metabolic Curves?"

So even when reinventing a worse version of a wheel, she still fails at abstract thinking (big shock I know).

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