
The idea that having women into the workplace is some sort of capitalist plot is just a silly premise. Think about a lot of the jobs that women are employed at. Make work, email sending, bullshit work. What benefit does that bring to a business? Nothing really. An evil capitalist would not benefit from this.

But someone else benefits by having women in the workplace. Can you guess who that is? The entity that gets extra tax dollars as a result of more women working, the government itself.

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@houseoftolstoy women don’t actually pay taxes, if anything they cost the state money due to them abusing the welfare system. Study from New Zealand concluded that women actually cost the state 150k over the course of their entire life, they’re a net negative on the system. If anything I would argue the government is far more concerned if men leave the workforce/don’t want to participate, than if women are participating because men are more of a net benefit to the government.

@I_AmTheKnight Are you forgetting about payroll taxes? The government gets extra money from businesses for each employee, regardless of their productivity or if the women are net taxpayers themselves or productive workers. The government therefore gains the benefit while the businesses eat the cost when they hiring to make sure they do not get sued or hounded by the government.

Thus, it makes little sense for the "capitalists" too push for women working if they are only seeking profits.

@houseoftolstoy that’s a fair point, but I would argue that if women weren’t in the workforce, wages could increase and that wage increase would push a lot of men into a higher tax bracket and it could significantly increase their collected tax revenue. Also without the welfare state, taxes could be lowered significantly and put more money/ productivity into the economy. The government does gain benefit taxing more people overall, but the cost is more people dependent on their system.

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