I don't think that the powers that be thought through some of the long term consequences of the decisions that they made in destroying the family unit. Whether each aspect of the destruction was deliberate or unintentional, those in power should realize that their policies are destroying families (whether it is biased family courts/divorce laws or welfare policies).

The destruction of the family will mean the downfall of a functional society and instable government.


Men are the ones who are most screwed over by this destruction, as the government favors women in many aspects of life. Sure, you can screw over men as a whole and still have things operating for a time, but the slow decay will start to set in. We already see men less motivated to get married and have a family. Sure, women can technically have a family without a man present, but this also does not make for a functional society. Men are critically necessary for society to actually function.

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If men do not have a strong motivator to go out there and achieve something, many of them will opt for a more minimal sustenance approach. Just work hard enough to support themselves, and little more than that. Men who live like this can do any job, even low paying or low hour jobs. After all, if they are not even caring about impressing women, why work harder than you have to?

And why does this happen? Because women have become unmarriageable from a combination of policies and loosened social pressures. There are just far too many women who are far too risky of a prospect to start a family with, so there is no motivation to even try for the men.

But given the number of fields of work that are critically necessary for a society to function, this could really become disastrous if the number of men who just gave up reaches critical mass.

And then we add war on top of all that. I do not mean civil war (though that may come) but a conventional war.

In the past, men by and large had motivation to fight, even if much of it was propped up by our government lying to them about the justification for the war. Men back then had a strong motivation to fight: their families.

This applies even to bachelors, who would have extended family they would care for or future aspirations to have a family.

But now that men do not have much families to call their own and the breakdown of their existing extended family structure, there is far less motivation for men to answer the call to serve in the military.

And this is really where the powers that be screwed up. They thought they could muster men to have patriotic fervor to fight if they just flipped the propaganda switch. While part of a series, here is an example of a shill appealing to the family.

What family? Men don't have that anymore.

The response on top illustrates exactly what I am talking about. Men who have no motivation to sacrifice will simply not do so. And I don't see a way to motivate such men into fighting FOR the country when it's own government has nothing but shaming tactics left (like a bitter harpy).

The only way to get men to fight for it is to give them a better deal. Otherwise, we may see them fight AGAINST it. And if it comes to that, well, the powers that be reaped what they sowed.

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