This is for the well-to-do guy who can afford to do all this shit like a hobby. By and large, raising all types of animals at the hobbyist level is a tremendous money sink compared to buying stuff yourself. Chickens can be cheap if you have land for them to feed off of, and plenty of scraps….but chicken feed is still pretty pricy too.

Seems to be true w/ all crops, gardens, etc. You’d better be able to afford the extra mouths or a SAHM in order to mind all this stuff while you’re out earning the bills. Otherwise you’re ONE big breakdown away from despair

If you have children and even a quarter acre, you can have chickens for cheaper than the price of a cat, almost free. People will buy your eggs unless the market is saturated. If it is, you don't need as many chicks so your feed lasts longer. They can and will eat just about anything, including random leftovers and half eaten stuff from your kids. Vegetable scraps? Sweet. Leftover ground beef? Gone. The bottom of the cereal bowl or oatmeal pan? All good. Stale bread? Yup. It's cheap too. Dude looks like he has a nice house on that property, but I've known a lot of lower to middle class people with chickens.

people need to understand:



(at a price you’ll make money on. You can get a bottom dollar reserve price at feed stores often, but you had better know how much feed/rx you wasted on that bird before hi fiving each other over eight bucks)


Everyone wants free eggs, nobody wants to buy. Our farmer’s market never returned after 2020, the only people in the small holding economy are brownoids - funny enough, mexicans buying in bulk are the best customers we have around here. All other customers are insane, fringe weirdos who WILL stalk your place for things to steal, and keep coming back to fleece you when they see you’re a nice, gullible white.

But people REALLY have a rosy understanding of this whole thing. It’s been flooded with new people, and “well you can just sell them!” never works out how you want. Last time I checked


@WashedOutGundamPilot @siinclaiir @sjw @BowsacNoodle I do know someone in my family who is raising his own chickens. But he does it more as something he likes to do, as he most certainly does not make money on his eggs when he is giving many of them away. If you go into such a plan with the idea of making money, you are not going to do that unless you have a massive scale of operation. Which in that case, you have become a full time chicken farmer.

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Everyone who has animals as a hobby will tell you “oh I don’t wanna think about how much I have in ‘em”

As long as you get that, you’re fine. It’s just a hobby. But right wing anons have this very silly idea we can all just move to the outskirts of town and survive on $300 a month and growing everything on 5 acres of shit land…..without realizing all the instagram/tiktok/youtube faggots “doing it” are working as remote sysadmins for Oracle in their downtime.

Dude chickens are like one step up from goldfish in simplicity and cost. A dog is more expensive than chickens if you factor in the eggs that you personally eat (two dozen a week in my house). You're spot on about the right romanticizing agrarian pseudomodern primitivism, but we do that for everything because we actually appreciate the non materialistic aspects of life. I'm telling you, if you're in a temperate zone they'll eat bugs and scraps and barely need feed. Plus they're fun and teach responsibility and all the other 4H style things.
I know people who get so many that they can't even give them away, and end up setting them on fence posts for target practice, or just throw them at trees to see them explode.

Reminds me of the OTHER irritation of “hey you guys want eggs?”

Nobody EVER gives you the carton back to refill, no matter how many times you tell them to swap it out with you. It seems like it’s not a big deal but you feel like a rube when you’re buying this for the 5th time this year all so people can just keep throwing them away because they’re too lazy to care about the free, valuable thing you’re nice enough to provide to them

Lord help you if you grow something w/ cool eggs. If you have laying turkeys you find out REAL quick who the jews are

Look man, I’ve got a bunch of cartons I’ll trade 3:1 for a carton of eggs, we can work this out

"My boy says he'n eat all 'em eggs, he'n eat all 'em eggs!"
The biggest cost is setting up the coop and the fence to keep predators out, whether dogs in the suburbs or coyotes in the country.
You're right about that. Craigslist or FB marketplace old wheelbarrow to use to make a chicken tractor. PVC pipe or electrical conduit and chicken wire for light and portable one. A lot of them will try and dig under so you have to watch for that but you can use wire on the ground if they do. I used scrap wood that I was glad to get rid of. You can also use cull lumber since it doesn't need to be perfect dimensional stuff for a literal shanty.
There is at least six families in my area that have chickens, and this is a suburban area. And someone like on the block just got some now.
Kinda neat honestly. My grandparents lost a farm years ago to a bad sibling of mine. Kind of neat.

How many chickens? If you keep a dozen then they’re simple and easy (provided you can feed them cheaply, I got a hookup on feed and even still it’s about $100 a week for what we have, even w/ hay and free ranging)

Once you scale up past 25/50/100/200/300 things get very problematic. Everyone faceplants because they get their first bunch and let them hatch, then start getting ideas about actually being able to make something out of it as an enterprise. One line of ours started with 1 breeding pair. A couple years later and that turned into at least 70, probably 100+ chicks. You realize selling them is more pain than it’s worth, dealing with brownoids, hagglers, and poors. Maybe guys in rich areas can do it. But most of the places west of the miss will already be saturated w/ egg sellers & chicken haulers.

And it all starts when your woman sees well-dressed upper middle class suburbanite-turned-2021-homesteaders i showing off a tidy pen of 50 ‘meat birds’ acting like they’re able to afford $500 Ulta makeup bills every month by selling birds to the feed store for five dollars a head. As the dad you gotta be a little heartless and put your foot down on flock size before it all spirals out of control

You're still arguing about this? And who the hell pays $100/wk for 12 chickens? I think I paid $40 for feeding 10 chickens total for the year i kept them. When 10 men tell you you're drunk, it's time to grab a seat.

We have somewhere from 80 to 110 right now, last time she counted she’d raised something like 800 birds since she moved in with me.

Yeah I think we're talking different things here. I'm advocating for people to have like 4-12 chickens and saying you'll save money and you're talking about a hobby farm level of birds.
I know a woman who had a few. They were easy to keep and gave her eggs. Shrimple. I know another guy who had like 4 or so but a fox got them. Just have to get on top of that and properly foxproof the enclosure, which he didn't.

If you freerange in coyote territory it’s easier just to keep a rooster, then you can replenish losses. Even be grateful for them.

My friend had a weasel or ferret or other type of serpentine rodent that kept stealing his eggs and his rooster beat the tar out of it. One of them fought off a raccoon which shocks me. I've heard you can keep peacocks and they scare away a lot of predators but also get stuck in your trees or on your roof because they're dumb.
My friend's son is going to a school where they had some peacocks but a fox got them...
Damn. A peacock farmer (I'm serious) told me they normally fight off everything.
Maybe if they're in a pack? IDK but they had two peacocks, a male and a female, and a fox killed them :sadcatmeow:

Peacocks seem instinctively driven to roost on top of the fanciest, cleanest car in a 3-mile radius

They all belong in a dog’s stomach

i once saw a peacock scream into a toddler's face from a foot away and traumatize her for life
Hilarious but also sad. Stuff like that leaves weird impressions on kids regarding animals and nature. One of mine wasterrified of all dogs for years because a 6 month old retriever jumped up to say hello and knock the child down at toddler age.
My first reaction to that post was also to think about how it would impress the child. I think what I would do is try and talk them down like it's a fright but not something "bad", and maybe get the animal to repeat the fright on me in view of the child. IDK
that shit hits 108 decibels and kids have more sensitive ears than adults
My son's wife will have a word with you
Tell him to bring the nintendo switch because we're gonna SMASH
Well, this is in the suburbs or Melbourne, so we don't really have dingoes here, thankfully. Just foxes.
What are you feeding you chickens that they eat 100$ per week
Tendies in honey mussy sauce for that chicken fed chicken fried chicken flavor.
>Breeding pair
Well there's your problem. Rooster dies first. Cock-a-doodle-don't even think of doing that outside my house. A family raising chickens can usually do fine with 1 bird per person ± extras for baking or how much you like eggs. But how the heck are you paying that much for food!? I barely fed mine besides table scraps. Maybe it's because I have kids so food is "wasted" more, but they don't need much feed. They'd pick the compost pile clean and eat the bugs that crawled on the food I tossed in there.

Which is why I hate all this tiktok farm nonsense, it’s filling their heads with this unrealistic nonsense about having it all and making it work. All these people making big videos about their fancy, well-furnished coop are backstopped with their hubby’s money, and it’s telling gullible, well-intentioned normies that you can TOTALLY be a trad farmer by going into tiny semi-hobby sized agriculture.

Maybe it’s just a pilot thing, since they got money and idle wives, but I’m seeing a LOT of guys leaving the cities to go move into the sticks, raise chickens for a year and buy a share of an alfalfa plot and pretend they got the farmer life all figured out.

Some of you guys here will see in time. Your daughters will doe-eye you with promises of “daddy people pay good money for them” and you shrug thinking it’d be good to be self-sufficient….and then you’re trapped

You're only trapped in the prison of your mind. You have hundreds, maybe THOUSANDS of tendies clucking around in your backyard right now. Think about it. Trustafarian cottage core and its NIMBY and YUPP cousins are a cancer no matter what the FOTM hobby is. You should hear people talk boats with them. Sailing is a stupid expensive hobby where people decide they want to pay a lot of money to travel slow without the convenience and comforts of a train, like getting hammered on a train.
Libtards dream of escaping their longhouse hivehole. I want a nice White city to move to, where the rent is reasonable and I can go out at night to get a gallon of milk with no risk of getting murdered or assraped or whatever.
@WashedOutGundamPilot @BowsacNoodle @houseoftolstoy @siinclaiir @sjw

I'm not reading the rest of the conversation, but so much this.
It's sooo difficult to start up as a homesteader. You're going to need at least $20k going from not-homesteader to homesteader.
And then, the profit margins are so small, you'll be lucky to break even. I've been at this for a year, and haven't broke even yet.

They make it difficult on purpose. Big food processors are in league with the FDA and USDA. They don't want people to grow their own food. They don't want it to be easy for you.
My plants all died this year. Literally every one of them but my beefsteak tomatoes got rained out. And that was feasted on by bugs.
@BowsacNoodle @siinclaiir @sjw @houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot my beans, broccoli, and snap peas got eaten to death by rabbits
last year i tried pumpkins but the squash bugs genocided them
i am calling for total rabbit death (except pippa)
I would try rabbits for meat before doing chickens again. Under $3.50 a pound for the meat and they're pets not "farm animals", so it's not outside of most city laws for people where stuff is enforced.
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