Random recon listening to NPR to see what the soylibs provide for content late one night. I hear a Jena Friedman talking about her time on Adult Swim, where she said her goal was to get the mostly male demographic to stop hating women.

An example of her content:

If you want men to "stop hating women," going in with "the poor women are being harassed when they play video games" is not the way to do it, because it comes with overt accusations of men either being "harassers" or being complicit in harassing by not being good white knights and defending the honor of women who find out that there are people who trash talk when playing video games online (everyone, not just women). But women just assume it is only them that get "harassed" in this way.

Here's a riddle: how do these EVIL GAMER BROS know that they are talking to a woman who is playing an online game? Some games have voice chat, but for most games it is not really necessary to play the game.

The answer is that these women out themselves as a woman in some way, where it is easily avoidable and unnecessary to engage in the actions that would out women as being women playing games.

Most likely, they are seeking attention, similar to what this 4chan post states.


Gaming is indeed a space mostly dominated by men. And there are some men who will trash talk and say some crass things. The 12 year old saying "I fucked your mom" on Call of Duty is a well known meme, and one that most men understand to just not fret about that sort of thing or any other trash talk.

But women who are unaware of this universal phenomenon come in and act all offended that "there are harassers in online gaming!" Yep. Just do what the men do and ignore or block. Problem solved.

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But rather than adapt to the environment, far too many women demand we change the environment to accommodate them. So we get content like this, as if it is a major problem that men need to address. A waste of time, of course, as the people doing the "harassment" can be safely ignored or blocked. Who cares what some idiot says on the other end of the microphone? His "threats" or "harassment" can't actually do anything. He is just like a small yippy dog: very loud and annoying, but not a threat.

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