Another fun Roastie post, since this article keeps circulating:

First, this is meant for women in this demographic. You will see plenty more of it all your life, as a form of palliative care/encouragement. I haven’t even read it yet but I’m gonna point to the outfield and guess that it’s going to be that ‘good men’ aren’t in the same white collar professional circles as these women, and the girls just aren’t ready to date a dude who (theoretically) makes less than they do.

(okay I forgot I read the sheep shearing tagline the first fwd so maybe I cheated.)

@WashedOutGundamPilot LOL, why would I waste time talking with some roastie about her bullshit powerpoint job when I can instead banter with my pocket friends on racist twitter?

edit: also the one on the right in the second pic looks like a tranny

@caekislove @WashedOutGundamPilot Hey now. That's a little too much oversimplification of their jobs, wouldn't you say? Sometimes they have to send emails, and that can be stressful! You don't know how hard it is to do BOTH PowerPoint presentations and sending emails. Sometimes you get uncomfortable sitting in your chair too long or the AC is going just a little too strong but not strong enough to put on another layer of clothes.

Not as easy as you thought, is it now?

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@houseoftolstoy @WashedOutGundamPilot Air conditioning is actually sexist since it discriminates against women who show up to work half naked in order to secure attention and/or promotions from their horny bosses!
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