Another fun Roastie post, since this article keeps circulating:

First, this is meant for women in this demographic. You will see plenty more of it all your life, as a form of palliative care/encouragement. I haven’t even read it yet but I’m gonna point to the outfield and guess that it’s going to be that ‘good men’ aren’t in the same white collar professional circles as these women, and the girls just aren’t ready to date a dude who (theoretically) makes less than they do.

(okay I forgot I read the sheep shearing tagline the first fwd so maybe I cheated.)

@WashedOutGundamPilot >jobs wages
Same projecting as always

>ridiculously good company

Now this is a point that needs addressing. Maybe they are good company for other WOMEN, but for men? Is that still the case?

Yes, the meme often goes that women are not worth conversing with, and that is true to a point. But I don't think it is just about capability or intelligence, but rather that women often never had to try being good at conversation in order for them to attract and keep men.


@WashedOutGundamPilot Many men may overlook a woman who is not really all that intellectually engaging or interesting due to the fact that he is willing to put up with a woman for as long as he is enjoying the sex. And if he tires of that, he has no further reason to engage in a relationship with her.

Meanwhile, the same woman may think she has "great conversational skills" because her feedback is comprised only of other vapid women and men who just want to sleep with them.

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