Notice how she comes to this realization:

not by thinking about the gap between what she wants and what she has, not by analysis or thought, but by comparing herself to other women.

She’s FINALLY put it together after seeing a stream of girls her age getting the outcomes SHE wants for herself, and after enough instances of muttering to herself about how that girl is plain/boring/weak/tiny/unambitious she finally noticed the pattern.

@WashedOutGundamPilot being tall and an avid gym goer is not a death sentence for women in the dating market. But being tatted up that much and having an abrasive personality certainly is. She should ask herself if the image of a bride includes tattoos all the way up to her hands.

@houseoftolstoy It’s not the worst but it certainly doesn’t help, it’s akin to having a “successful” chick-biz that makes 6 figures: It makes her instinctively cut down on her field of suitors


@WashedOutGundamPilot That often sounds like more of a HER problem than anything then. Sure, many men might feel a little uneasy having a relationship with a more "successful" woman, but often it is due to issues the woman would bring up, not because of anything he personally cares about.

So it is no surprise a lot of men do not bother. Because they know how the story ends, and it does not end happily for them.

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