I'm just so, SO sick of dealing with the push for "Women in Aviation". They get all kinds of special treatment, and in the end they don't want to DO the job, they just want to be SEEN as someone who does the job.

You'll never see a woman log 1,000 hours flying for a simulated airline, unless she's streaming it with her tits out (watching an autists's gameplay, of course)

But the boomers, even the self-styled "based" ones, STILL push back when you roll your eyes. Even the "yeah women don't belong in aviation" faggots will reminisce about the "SUPER HOT DREAM GIRL FALCON PILOT THAT USED TO WORK WITH US SHE WAS SUPER CHILL EVERYONE LOVED HER SHE'S A TEN" whore they saw 25 years back


@WashedOutGundamPilot >in the end they don't want to DO the job, they just want to be SEEN as someone who does the job.

That applies to a lot of high status jobs out there. The pro-equality shills will justify this sort of thing because "it will inspire other girls to pursue that career." The only problem is if those girls are only going down that path because of a propaganda campaign, they will quit the moment they realize they did not want the job. And then the cycle repeats back at square 1.

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