Once again, the boys aren't subverting things hard enough.

Collect these covid tests anytime you wanna get out of work/friends/social crap and they're soft-brained enough to respect this silliness.

"hey can you pick up that trip to Los Angeles?"

"I dunno man, I'm running pretty ragged....."

"Jenny could really use some help, it's gonna be a long one"

"dang, man look at my covid test dude I'm positive shucks guess I have to quarantine you know they have new variants still running rampant out there that's why you're so sick, even though you have 4 booster shots!!!"

"dammit, that sucks, feel better, I'll have someone else take it for you"

RT: https://mastodon.social/users/LindaCollins11/statuses/111608428713331189

@WashedOutGundamPilot @LindaCollins11 still don't get how you can get it again after you've already gotten it. It's supposed to be a virus lol. You build up antibodies when you catch a virus once.

@justnormalkorean @LindaCollins11 "different strains" according to the believers.

In reality they're just getting sick with all the normal stuff going around, because they're fat and unhealthy and their immune systems had a 3-year vacation. Most "covid" seems to be the flu these days


@WashedOutGundamPilot @LindaCollins11 @justnormalkorean

>Most "covid" seems to be the flu these days

It was often just the flu during 2020 too. Unless you are stupid enough to believe that it just "disappeared" in 2020.

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@houseoftolstoy @LindaCollins11 @justnormalkorean We had a LOT of chinamen and gooks coming in through my job at the time, they were all proud about escaping lockdown even while they hacked up a storm.

Enough of those who caught it had the funky taste/smell/appetite things last for years to show it was probably the real deal. Late 2019/early 2020 I reported to find a room with 17 of the slants, all hacking and coughing - libshit boss said I was racist for wanting out (B/c only schizos were concerned at that point, recall Pelosi's "hug an asian on CNY' bit)

6 months later I got its number and feared it much less, and he'd become convinced it was "worse than the AIDS crisis!"

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