I said it once but if anyone is going to slam the big red "nope nope nope" button on immigration after the door first opens, it's going to be japan
@BronzeAgeHogCranker @WeebFirstGames They have way more to lose than current generation westerners. The US and Europe have already been in the shitter for decades, Japan on the other hand would just experience what it would be like going from spotless cities with well behaved people to negro central, so hopefully the shock can make them react more quickly and drastically.

@Kerosene @BronzeAgeHogCranker @WeebFirstGames Japan will need to hold out until America declines enough not to be able to keep up their Big GAE empire, and then they can actually address the real issue, feminism. But they have to realize that this is the issue for them to be able to solve the problem.

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