I love how libtards are willing to go to war to defend the sanctity of the Wisconsin-Illinois border
@Ghislaine Oh, so NOW those niggers cares about States' Rights...
It's impossible to have a discussion in good faith with them, there's no point.

Best to call them a faggot and move on.
@tyler @ChristiJunior @Ghislaine They're insect-brains, they don't have any understanding of complex systems or why they work the way they do but they are desperate to obtain power over them and use them for their own ends.

@MeBigbrain @ChristiJunior @tyler @Ghislaine They don't care about the "muh state lines" thing, they are just hoping to use it as a weapon against him. This is a leftist/libtard tactic, to look for any means to attack their enemies. They care not if they contradict what they said at previous times, as long as they can use it to attack who they see as their enemy.

They need constant updates from their superiors in order to appear consistent. Thus, the leftist media apparatus.

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