With another election year coming up (fake and gay as it all will be), there is inevitably going to be the search for skeletons in the closet. It is going to be largely meaningless once again, because it turns out that anyone who brings up these issues as proof of "bad character" is doing so disingenuously. They care not about the bad character, but they are hoping they will shame anyone who supports a particular politician to no longer support them.

Character attacks are just a weapon.

This is not to say that the politicians do not deserve to be held accountable for these things. They are politicians after all, and are going to be the worst kind of people because good people do not go into politics nor last long if they do somehow get far enough into politics.

But the thing is, whenever someone brings up bad actions from someone they support, they find a way to dismiss it. Because character never really mattered in the first place.


If you dare venture in any shithole such as Reddit, you will see full on shilling to defend any Democrat politician who has any skeletons brought up.

"He admitted to it and apologized for doing it, so it is settled! Isn't he a great example, owing up to his errors?"

"No, I don't think he should step down and stop running. But that Republican that did something just as bad should step down because he is Republican and therefore evil!"

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In the end, we still have the values we wish to keep when it comes to political outcomes. While the politicians involved are poor stewards to enact said outcomes, they are really the only players able to do so, and most people choose the option they see as better. Therefore, they will vote for a candidate they know is scum if they think that candidate will enact the policies they want. Which shows that character is not as big of a factor as it is made out to be.

Maybe it effects things in the smallest of margins with "swing voters," but who really knows with fake and gay elections. Be it purely theater or only partially theater, it is still a song and dance that we see when it comes to politics and skeletons in the closet coming out.

All I know is when someone expects me to change how I would vote because of some mention of a character fault, I know that any discussion is pointless and fraudulent.

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