
Any talk about civil war in the US should not be considered seriously until we get to a point where actual suffering and hardship is taking place. Even with our economy being a dumpster fire (despite the propaganda insisting otherwise), things are really no where near bad enough.

When we have actual issues like food shortages, energy shortages, and any other shortages, then we have real potential for people to actually be ready for some sort of action.

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Just think about your typical American. They go to work on a regular basis, get food from their grocery store, and do a variety of things with their free time, be it spend it with friends/family or on some hobbies. This means most people have some sense of normalcy in their lives.

When it comes to a civil war, it is a point of no return, where normal no longer exists. Most people still have their comforts and routines that they would not wish to deviate from in favor of major chaos.

This is regardless of how things break down. Be it balkanization or factional conflicts between 2 or more groups trying to control everything, we need to have people see a major change in how they are living and a lack of desire to maintain the status quo, as starving and being deprived of many modern conveniences is not an acceptable status quo.

Rising prices and a gradual decrease in standard of living is acceptable, even if it sucks. It is not an existential threat to your life.

@houseoftolstoy By my estimation, it's a long way away, like never. People say civil war to sound edgy in their content, but realistically where is the evidence?

As covid showed and last election showed, people are more inclined to march and carry signs.

There is no desent from within the authorities. All leadership is on the same page.

I don't know if there's a point of societal decay in our lifetimes that Americans will initiate a war on the government. It's possible, I'm not expecting it.

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