@deprecated_ii Breast milk is free, formula is an abomination. Put women back in their natural place.

@dassauerkraut @deprecated_ii Baby formula is something that should be seen as a last resort, when there is no other option. Formula as imperfect as it is is better than starvation.

If you want to argue that women who cannot breastfeed for whatever reason should not pass on their genes, that a whole other debate. There are other cases such as babies who are no longer with their birth mothers (even if that is rare, it happens).

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@houseoftolstoy @dassauerkraut I mean, we should bring back wet nurses. and have milk banks. lots of women overproduce and it just goes down the drain

but it is 2024 hell world after all
@deprecated_ii @houseoftolstoy Yeah women sharing milk and wet nurses would go miles to stop the need for formula. And we can also substitute with fresh milk from local farms, for older infants atleadt, before needing the overprocessed vegetable powder that is dubbed infant formula.
Yes don't let a baby starve but a little bit of sane parenting and review of history shows there are plenty of superior option before one should arrive at formula.
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