in portugal

migrants: "ive been here for 18 months, never worked, i get free housing and gibs"

on the other side of the street a portuguese homeless family is living in a tent being refused home and welfare despite being signed up at the employment center

and then in the comments there's always some faggot going on about how its our fault for not having kids when our money is stolen for this while we can barely sustain ourselves

mood: :wojak_psycho:

@smugumin >its our fault for not having kids when our money is stolen for this while we can barely sustain ourselves

You are not wrong about this being a major issue. No country should be subsidizing invasions, especially not with the money taken from their own people.

However, reversing this alone will not in itself solve the birth rate issue. So if/when the practice of replacement migration ends, it will not be the last step in fixing birth rates.


@smugumin What will fix birth rates is reverting back all feminist policies that are causing the issues with women not having children.

Subsidizing invasions is making native birth rates worse, yes. But it is not the only factor. Also, the same people supporting feminism support this replacement migration. I also find it asinine that immigration "solves" birth rate issues, when it clearly doesn't.

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