Did some hate watching of this video. Lots of leftist bullshit involved, but this part was peak irony. So the man who thinks himself a woman is discussing the topic of phantasms, something your mind does when dealing with contradictions by producing outlandish explanations.

Yes, the tranny is telling you that the "conspiracy theorists" are crazy while "she" is completely sane while larping as a woman. And he tries to throw it back by attacking those who do not accept tranny bullshit ideology.

Other silly things in this video include "The World Economic Forum is one of the most capitalist organizations there is" when it's chairman Klaus Scwhab is advocating for "stakeholder capitalism," which is just communism with a flimsy mask that calls itself capitalist. I have read his book The Great Reset, you deluded tranny. His ideas are by no means capitalist as their implementation would only take place with a heavy government hand.


And there was another part where the tranny talked about how the black population in Detroit was screw over by the local government due to them artificially inflating values of homes to increase property taxes in order to remove residents.

Who do you think runs the government for the City of Detroit? I guarantee they are all Democrats, and I would not be shocked many of them were black too.

He does not bring up that detail, no surprise.

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The left are eternally oppressed underdogs, even when they're overwhelmingly in power. So according to them whenever the dems fail they're a right wing corporate conspiracy. Except the black ones of course, they're infallable so it must've been a shadowy White guy somewhere.

Thing is this is partially on the money: The left wing is largely controlled by jewish "philanthropists" but they still keep supporting it and attacking anyone who questions it so they get what they deserve.
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