Never expected the arch-heeb in charge of Black Rock to confirm what Zero Hedge and ShadowStats have said for years, but here we are

@DW2 But used and new car sales are slightly lower than they used to be! That means inflation is not so bad!

Why pay attention to costs of things people are paying for on a more frequent basis? That would just Biden look bad!

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@houseoftolstoy @DW2 bah you can setup a 12-month payment plan for your box of cheez-its now. paying $0.70 a month makes it BASICALLY FREE!
@houseoftolstoy @DW2 What are you talking about nigga a used honda with 150k miles is going for $12k around here
Don’t look at pickups. Used ones built before 2012 are going higher than they did on the lot. Imagine a vehicle appreciating.
@Dudebro @houseoftolstoy @DW2 Oh believe me i know, its why I will never be getting rid of my ranger
@poastoak @Dudebro @houseoftolstoy @DW2 I bought a civic with 100k on the clock in 2012 for $1000, it was for a car trip down to belize so i needed a car I could dump
@WilhelmIII @Dudebro @houseoftolstoy @DW2 @poastoak at least once a month i hear of someone not coming into to work that day because "the company declined the card payment and turned off their car so it wont start" and im not talking about gay electric cars. if you dont have to turn a key to start your vehicle its probably gay
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