
@PinochetsCommieCopter attempting to win women over is what is causing society to be destroyed. Women demand abortions, easy divorce, quotas for jobs they are not qualified for, and free money in a variety of forms. Just what good is it to "win women over" when that course leads to destruction? So if they bitch over not being "won over," then so what? It is not as if we can win under these conditions either way.

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@houseoftolstoy @PinochetsCommieCopter The mistake was believing women were men's equals in thought.

The number of women who are, are a small, small minority.
And ironically they're nowhere near the levers of Jewed power because they're basically over here on the periphery of our own civilization with the rest of the White Nationalists and non-degenerate dissenters.

The problem is the Jewish screens tell them they deserve to be in charge, and ironically, their lack of rationality makes them believe it. It's a funny semi-paradox. Women should be content to be women first and foremost. Well. Another grand experiment in matriarchy is failing, all too predictably.
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