this is only half the story

the other half is you need to really master that "itinerant serial killer" vibe

practice your intense stare and slightly too long pauses in conversation before you set out

maybe put a little fake blood on your fingers like you didn't quite wash all of your last victim off

@deprecated_ii My brother sent that to me and out of all the travels I've had I can think of two women that would fit the profile?

It's sad but most of the girls that are exposed to males for flirting are dead-enders or insulated against being picked up. You probably won't find wife stock at a gas station - any family who cares about their girls will send them to work at the day care, not the damn 7-11.

BUT little cafes, family owned, small town america on the outskirts of metro areas CAN give you a girl who can't afford to commute into the city, with a big family, maybe. Prob. not.

The boomeriest part of all that is "young man just take a few months off work" as if that's an option


@WashedOutGundamPilot @deprecated_ii I do not give Boomers the benefit of the doubt that they could not possibly understand how circumstances change for generations. They themselves saw a number of changes growing up over the years, so it should not be a shock that other variables change as well.

I see it as more willful ignorance than unintentional. You cannot be this blind without refusing to use your eyes and ears to observe the world around you and the changing circumstances.

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