@Ghislaine The reason the left can't meme is because social constructivism leads to hyperliterality ( since they believe that language constructs reality, they also believe that sarcasm also changes reality in a literal way ). Since they have an inability to use sarcasm, they fail every time at memeing, because sarcasm is the heart and soul of memeing..
@TheMadPirate @Ghislaine Personally I think it's because they constantly lie about literally everything and memes always have some grain of truth to them, which is why they can never meme.

@WhitestTemplar @TheMadPirate @Ghislaine Yes. Pics related, as memes in their essence are about conveying ideas without additional explanation.

I don't think the left is incapable of understanding or using sarcasm, but that they are not able to allow themselves to fully use it without first worrying about having the "correct" opinions, as their ideas are all formed through consensus rather than independently. Which is why they rely so much on "authoritative" sources for their ideas.

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@houseoftolstoy @WhitestTemplar @Ghislaine Yeah, no humor in trying to make everything "politically correct" your humor tends to falls flat because there so many "code of conduct" implicit rules that the message becomes too obscure to understand. Memes are the opposite, it's about graphically and quickly delivering a message without filters.
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