Seeing all the latest news on the riots and protests in the UK over the government showing that they despise their own native citizens has me thinking about how the status quo can no longer remain. Perhaps the riots will not amount to anything, but if the citizens have a memory better than a goldfish things will not and cannot just go back to normal for them. At least it should not.


I don't know that any full blown revolution will happen or any real political change will take place. But I do know that there are no good outcomes to come at the end of this. The people will stop having any sense of national pride, there will be less motivation to strive and sacrifice for the good of their country.

Essentially, I see a slow collapse forming as the result of all this if there is not a more drastic wave of change.

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The UK is not unique in this regard. This will be taking place in many countries, including the US possibly too. What is the point of national pride if your own government hates you and favors those who are committing criminal acts against your people?

And when things get worse and worse, those very migrants that the government panders to now will not be saving anything. At best they will leave and at worst they will hasten the destruction.

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