Can we take a moment to appreciate Sweet Baby Inc? Sure, they are evil, dysgenic, brown, and other bad words... but as scammers, they've got a sweet deal going.

>tell company they need to hire you to make their product better
>poz the product
>get paid
>product flops
>somehow you're not affected
>repeat with new company

It shouldn't work, yet here we are. :whitecat_wtf:
@Rasterman I don't understand how Anita Sarkeesian tried to get this gig for a decade straight and never went anywhere, yet all of sudden these people exist and are now getting hired everywhere.

@Aviz @Rasterman I suspect that governments are underhandedly forcing these video game companies to hire these people under the threat of various forms of lawfare (e.g. discrimination lawsuits). I just do not give the benefit of the doubt that the governments are not doing it because "technically we did not force them to do this" is often the claim when you finally dig deep enough to figure out that they wanted to push an agenda.

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