@Shadowman311 Women respond to the threat of males taking away the existing societal options of abortion and cuckoldry the way vampires do to crucifixes or heroin junkies do to taking away their drug stash
@TrevorGoodchild @Shadowman311 My wife proposed this at lunch with some friends when they were discussing a gal's paternity issues and most of the other women recoiled in horror
Don't remember the exact stat but 10 years ago, upwards of 30% of "fathers" were raising children who weren't biologically theirs.

@ChadleyDudebro @KarlDahl @Shadowman311 @TrevorGoodchild Isn't that the number on tests conducted alone? That percentage would make sense with selection bias, as men who are suspicious of infidelity are more likely to get their paternity tested, which we would expect to have a higher incidence of paternity fraud than the broad population as a whole.

Not that any percentage above 0 should be acceptable, but the 30% does not apply to the population as a whole last I recall.

May be correct.
The data is not collected in a conclusive way.

What I'd like to see is the percentage of women who object to mandatory paternity testing.

@ChadleyDudebro @KarlDahl @Shadowman311 @TrevorGoodchild I can see two types of objections from women. Obviously the cheaters will object out of personal interest. I can also see women object because they see no moral issue with women cheating even if they do not do so themselves, but seem to think that revealing these women as cheating whores is worse than the cheating itself.

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