@jebantyk dead weight bureaucracy fake jobs, private sector has the same kind of decay

@mage private bankrupts quicker when mismanaged so badly, statistically. Unless centralized gov wants to bail them out, but those are exceptions to the rule.
We can list countless bankrupt private endeavors like Blackberry, but no so easily bankrupt public schools, so decay accumulates there easier.

Privet needs to earn profits to waste them.
Public just need to mismanage budget that they did not earn.


@jebantyk The culture in the private sector of forever chasing more gains honestly contributes to the decay in a big way. They cut their own support to the point they are always on the brink of disaster

@mage if they cut too much that will end profits making them small, hence by definition they must be good enough to still keep earning. That way they can earn more.
Google that lasts 10 years will make fewer profits than Google that lasts 100 years.
Statistically, most private endeavors are fit and good.
If they keep getting worse, they will lose *voluntary* clients, bankrupt, and generate no profits.
They must offer good enough value.

@jebantyk I am not a believer in free market mechanics to correct corruption lol, already seen that isn't the case first hand.

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