mage boosted
mage boosted
mage boosted
mage boosted

@mage @YoMomz
Women have no home nor the concept of a "homeland". They just live with their current boyfriend.

Based_Accelerationist that's fine. cope however you want. I have no need to waste time on an impostor

Right wing rape squads would sure be more popular with the ladies than whatever the hell 'male feminists' are doing.

Where the fuck are these flies coming from? I have killed like 10 today and normally there are none in here.

I've killed so many flies in my house lately. I am like the genghis khan of killing flies.

I used to have a pair of these bitches that I virtually never wore, but I totally regret throwing them out now.

Send me occult conspiracy charts and obscure arcane knowledge anon

Step away from the high school age clone of my dead wife, hag.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.