There is no pro-White movement or organization of any significance because of what happened to Vdare, not because everyone is pouring energy into Trump.
@mage Destroyed by NY state lawfare because 25 years ago some kike advised Brimelow to incorporate there.

@judgedread I see. I had the impression they were fairly waspy and not really interested in ellis island people

@mage They slowly evolved into a barely crypto White nationalist site. Once that became a real political threat they were destroyed.

@judgedread Having lived in majority white liberal land most of my life, I'm not really convinced 'white nationalism' is the existential threat the regime believes it is. They're breathing it into existence by cracking down on it so unnecessarily.

WN has become much more mainstream and separated from the old trope of skinheads screaming at random people on the street, burning crosses and shit like that. It's current existence is more people who want a reasonable place to live without getting mugged by diversity going to the market. Going to farmer markets on the weekends, seeing a bands play at venues. Being able to actually afford things and live decent

That Ironically is a bigger threat to the system, as they're currently trying to gain total political power through hardships. So they identify anyone who wants representation for their communities as this old wn trope. That is to say a guy who doesn't want their child exposed to weird poop sex in school is labeled a minority far right extremist while that opinion is actually the majority.

@DrBtc @judgedread Zionists dress up like skinheads and scream at people on the street just to make nationalists look retarded.

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