oddly, "communist" seems to enrage the progressives more than "racist" does the conservatives

@sickburnbro We haven't even beat the dems yet and he's already complaining about people trolling them. No mystery where this guy's loyalties are

@mage mtracey is a known entity. He is the type of "conservative" that is a liberal at a certain point and then uncomfortable at everything past it. For him it seems like that point is like 1998-2004.

Since he still knows so many lunatics that are democrats he feels offended.

@sickburnbro Apparently he didn't get the memo nobody likes this lindsey graham act anymore

Tracey is and always has been a left-liberal type, but a very consistently moderate one. To his credit, he sticks to his guns, but past a certain point it's an unwavering loyalty to principles that has not served him too well
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