@coolboymew This is one of the fun shows this season since it accomplishes the nearly impossible task of having a writer main character actually be interesting. Failure frame and I parry everything are also fun shows this season.

@mage it's surprisingly good. I have no idea why I picked this up, but it's definitively surprising

I didn't pick the other two, how much am I missing out?

@coolboymew They're pretty standard overpowered main character isekai stuff, nothing ground breaking but well produced. Nobody remembers me in this world is another one like that.

@mage we have another OP MC with shinmai ossan, but that one is kinda more of a comedy

@coolboymew I think the shows I mentioned are doing well because they do a good job with the lore and the world building, and the fight scenes are fun. Not much for character development though compared to stuff like overlord

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