this is when you tell them that ChatGPT is going to do to them what the past 100 years did to the jobs that MAGA people have.

@sickburnbro I can't believe they would just openly admit they value people based on how much 'gdp' they make. That makes them look both terrible morally and ignorant factually. And they think this is something to brag about? Yikes. 😬

@mage The entire mainstream political establishment uses GDP as its guide in "what is good." This of course is an issue, but much larger than just democrats.

@sickburnbro I don't think they understand the implications of what they said by promoting this. I get where this comes from, but if followed to its logical conclusions, it doesn't lead to a good place. This screams managerial class missing the forest for the trees kind of vibes.

@sickburnbro @mage Couldn’t have said it better myself. There are countless bureaucrats who view humans as nothing more than units of GDP.

@NitroDubs @sickburnbro Slavery was good for the GDP too, maybe we should bring that back. 😏

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