@sickburnbro Yeah it is libertarianism because he's suggesting "small government" is the solution to communism, which is retarded and proven false already.


@sickburnbro He is saying trust muh plan, which is fake and gay.

@mage why bother reading when what always comes out is exactly what you want?
@mage who is team gatekeeper, and what gate do you think they are keeping?

@sickburnbro I know this revenant account, he's promoting liberalism which is the regime. You're not going to get rid of woke crap by preaching more civil rights.

Either he doesn't understand why that philosophy is obsolete on a deeper level (21st century demographics) or he's gaslighting about it on purpose.

@mage since you are have a hard time with all your self-inflicted stop-think, what part of what he is saying is "liberalism"

@sickburnbro I don't want to get into a flame war with you dude. If you like liberalism that's fine, it just makes you not part of the dissent faction. You're smart enough to read between the lines. The suggestion that we're going to unfuck obama-destroyed society with "cut taxes" alone is totally laughable.

@mage @sickburnbro It's another brick in the wall of White Nationalist ethos and reform. The idea that the "system" is corrupt and must be changed for the benefit of White nationals is the strongest agency that can be spun from everything happening at the moment. It all feeds on itself.

@doonxib @sickburnbro It's not like you have to be 'white nationalist' to want this government regime changed.

@mage @sickburnbro No, you don't. But, it feeds into a deeper identity and agenda, which is White Nationalism. Every single one of these reformist wants White Civilization standards returned. You get that through White National control, and nothing else.

@doonxib @sickburnbro We're never returning to the laws we had in the 1800s because that frontier will never exist again.

@mage @sickburnbro Multiracial societies don't survive, so there will be plenty of more "frontiers" before you realize it. Ever wonder why those massive fucking stone pyramids in the jungles of South America aren't lived in by anyone despite being cities, or the abandoned Roman cities and other ruins. Many being located in very "remote" locales? Yeah, think really HARD on that one for a bit. Today''s "city" is tomorrow's "new world." And, that's something people need to REALLY get into their heads, now. There's already a cute little term called "food desert," and "ghost town" spreading around the US like wild fire. That's not a good thing.

@doonxib @sickburnbro I actually watched a documentary about this the other day. Volcanoes killed the crops for ancient mexico, that's why they disappeared. I appreciate your optimism for post-apocalypse rebounds but I don't expect de-industrialization to ever regress to such a point. The techno future is likely here to stay, and that's not really compatible with ancient 'white christian' society and how they operated.

@mage @sickburnbro LMAO, you don't have to imagine it can't happen. It's happening and I'm not concerned by some magic "rebound," I'm saying it's a very bad thing happening far sooner than it should be! A fucking volcano wiping out a crop yield? For an ENTIRE CONTINENT? What in the hell are you blathering about? You have industrial areas of our country, with completely potable crops, water, and infrastructure simply getting abandoned due to social conflicts and lack of White National agency existing and maintaining the rapidly deteriorating structures. This country was built, maintained, and functions from White men. Without our daily personal actions it goes away. A little bit more each day. You can take a look at Nigger occupied countries that were once White to get a vague idea of what not having White nationals in an area means post departure. And, then take that and remove "foreign aid" as there sure as shit won't be any of that without a White Empire to support it.

@doonxib @sickburnbro People have been waiting for a "collapse" for the last 50 years. I'm more a revolution fan personally.

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