@yockeypuck @tfwnogf does anyone try?

@TimeSpent *blush* if your ever in utah would you consider .... con... consider going on a walk and ... h..holding hands *breaks eye contact*
@TimeSpent @monkyyy @yockeypuck @tfwnogf Would have been fine with eating donuts while holding hands, but now I'm just gonna help you earn more catnoears (then hold hands and eat both donuts while you have a cry)
@ForbiddenDreamer @monkyyy @yockeypuck @tfwnogf I don't hate donuts but they are darn near bottom tier breakfast items.
@TimeSpent @monkyyy @yockeypuck @tfwnogf I never said breakfast 🧐
I was thinking something more along the lines of a lazy Sunday afternoon after a light lunch at this one coffee shop, strolling along the sidewalks on the well kept (read White) side of town and admiring the architecture where everything is fancy brick and marble from the 1800s
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