@DrRyanSkelton raising your student to be your wife simulator, based

As with many other things, like the "uoooh this cheeky brat" stuff for instance, if some content is not about the eventual being a wife thing (Or the eventual rape correction in the prior example), one should not assume it will end in a wholesome correct manner. Japan is, if nothing else, a master of unfulfilled endings.
@DrRyanSkelton @mage saw some h-manga the other day with this plot
>girl gets molested and raped, and the rapist leaves a phone number with her
>girl enjoyed it show much she calls him up
>girl: you should stop raping other girls! It's wrong!
>girl gets pregnant
>rapist gets sent to jail for raping another girl
>mom: you're pregnant?? girl: I want to keep it ... but I guess you didn't keep yours, huh.
>*** girl is so sex-addicted at this point that she whores herself out ***
>rapist gets out of jail
>they're just a family now, with a son
I could've done without the *** degeneracy *** in my otherwise weirdly wholesome rape-to-family manga.

@apropos @DrRyanSkelton kind of a blurry line when it's rape and when it's just normal courtship tbh. they'll play hard to get because they want to be overpowered

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