Guy whos so tired of hearing gabniggers talking about jews he starts defending them

@shedinja everyone who bitches about gab every week is a jew anyway. the fuck is gab doing to you otherwise

@Owl @shedinja unlikable to who? zionists clearly. that's a good thing

@Owl @shedinja Normal people don't like these redcoat fed niggers. I don't have to pretend otherwise since I'm not on their payroll

Armstrong. I should have known anyway because every single alt that goes uncovered of his, he has to follow me.

You're not trolling anyone but yourself and that goes for anyone psychotic enough to follow me to read the inane and stupid bullshit I put out.

It's not cope, it's factual. You're stupid for wanting any degree of socialization with me.​

I unironically think were his only friends were the only people who talk to him ever. He even follows us out of desperation for human interaction. Its fucked
Nigga we just mute you and no one cares what you have to say. Why do you do this? Honestly? Are you like a fed or journo or something? Why do this?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I fuck with these child molesting jews just for the joy of watching them squirm. They are godless communists who belong in a gulag.

Youre not doing that at all. Youre not a troll or a smart person. So what's your goal?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I'm not going to repeat myself jew. You already know the answer and you're just playing dumb.

Nobody knows why you do this you self righteous faggot. No one likes you youre a seething faggot.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Jews not liking me is a point of pride. Thank you for the compliment shlomo

None of us are jews. Are you? And dont you wanna lower the age of consent?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I want to raise the white birth rate. Which entails canceling women's rights. Something your fed fags are hell bent on opposing.

Ok so you wanna fuck teens because youre sick in the fucking head and wanna justify your pedophilia with fake white nationalism and anti semitism. You need to be put down you fucking freak.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Ooo yeah you're real tough on pedos when they're muslims but not when they're jews. I'm so scared.

Why won't he step into the ring with Matty? No gyms at Langley?

Nigga you should step into the sex offender registry. Do they have that at your DMV or are you some latin american?

Okay, if you won't fight Matty, fight me. It'll be hilarious.

You keep this faggot the fuck out of my working environment.

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