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It's not cope, it's factual. You're stupid for wanting any degree of socialization with me.​

I unironically think were his only friends were the only people who talk to him ever. He even follows us out of desperation for human interaction. Its fucked
Nigga we just mute you and no one cares what you have to say. Why do you do this? Honestly? Are you like a fed or journo or something? Why do this?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I fuck with these child molesting jews just for the joy of watching them squirm. They are godless communists who belong in a gulag.

Youre not doing that at all. Youre not a troll or a smart person. So what's your goal?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I'm not going to repeat myself jew. You already know the answer and you're just playing dumb.

Nobody knows why you do this you self righteous faggot. No one likes you youre a seething faggot.

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Jews not liking me is a point of pride. Thank you for the compliment shlomo

None of us are jews. Are you? And dont you wanna lower the age of consent?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I want to raise the white birth rate. Which entails canceling women's rights. Something your fed fags are hell bent on opposing.

Ok so you wanna fuck teens because youre sick in the fucking head and wanna justify your pedophilia with fake white nationalism and anti semitism. You need to be put down you fucking freak.
Can you not read you fucking retard? Youre not an actual anti semite. Youre a pedophile larping as a muslim who wants to rape young girls.
Youre not an anti semite youre a pedo. Poison dart pedo. Remember when you had clout on gab you fucking queer?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl You're here to defend homo groomers. Kill yourself faggot. My morality is better than yours commie.

You literally want to fuck teenagers. How can you accuse anyone of being a groomer when you want to literally groom girls into arranged marriages?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Playing dumb for infinite comments is a waste of my time jew. Bring better game. Your faggots are getting canceled and there's nothing you can do about it. Run back to israel where you belong.

So what do you think should happen to women and us?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Can you seriously not tell I see through your grift? Man you're stupid aren't you. Must be one of those diversity hires who can't get a job anywhere else without free jew money.

So if you were in charge how would you treat women?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I'd sharia law the fuck out of every lesbian karen kike faggot and cancel them out of politics totally.

What about regular women? What does sharia law mean in that case?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl It means they get raised to be wives and get married, not go be sterile office girlbosses who need immigrants

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl I'm fine with 18. That's not a huge deal for me. Americans are the ones mandating nigger integration in high schools and causing a single mom crisis. Those are your "trad west" values that destroyed civilization.

Way to walk that one back lmao. But in your system it could be at any age their dad is cool with. Is that not grooming?

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl No grooming is homos. Straight marriage is never grooming, that's just marriage.

No grooming is when older people train younger people into being ok with having sex with them. Would you be cool with a father doing that to his daughter because its for a "marriage"

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl Of course. that's how every political deal in history ever worked. What are you retarded and a feminist homo?

So you are cool with grooming you fucking pedo sped bow get the fuck outta my menchies

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja @Goalkeeper @Jonaschuzzlewit @Owl you're white knighting for female homos and that's too faggoty to show any respect to

Youre literally advocating for a foreign religion like a fag and advocating for sex with children. Get off the internet you fucking sperg and go push this bullshit at the local mall and tell me how far you get. Youre getting muted by the way queer.
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