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@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja Because I enjoy this performance for the audience's benefit, so that they can see how weak your character and arguments are. This benefits me the longer you keep playing. Shall we continue?

You don't have an audience. Do you understand you act exactly like the kikes you supposedly hate?

You want to fuck kids. You can't stay on one instance for any amount of time before the people kick you out. You act like you have never done anything wrong. It's everyone else's fault and never your own. You have delusions of grandeur about your own posting.

Shall I continue?

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I've never been banned off gab in over 5 years. Your fedi admins being discord fags who flake in a week is not my problem, that's their weakness. You'd call anyone increasing the white birth rate a pedo. All you have is trash talk against anyone fixing the problems that your values can't solve.

You want to kidnap White girls and sex traffick them. You should be beaten to death.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja Liberating them from your commie nigger society would be an improvement for their lives. You should get your face blown off.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I should ask you that fed glasses. NSA? I wish I was getting that sweet socialist welfare, my life would be a lot better.

Your life couldn't get much worse. You're a jew, a pedophile, you have no friends so you have to constantly come back where you're not wanted for attention.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I'm having a great time trolling you cringe godless heretics. The light will overpower you filthy niggers and you'll get washed down the drain like you deserve. Suck my dick satanist garbage.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja I look forward to you guys running away behind bans when I beat you again then too.

Welcome back potential kiddie diddler, you enjoy your time at Epstein island? We gonna do this again in a month when you're on another alt?​
why does the nigger keep making alts man i don't get it

@tyler @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja @abner why do your fag admins ban everyone who counter signals them. Torba could handle it for years but you guys can't even last a week

Why don't you just go to gab since it's so great?

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Because this is my land bitch. Get out. You aren't in charge here.

"This is my land."
>Gets kicked from yet another instance

You're not very good at this.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner 5 bans and I'm still here. Seems like I'm doing fine. You can't get rid of me even if you wanted to.

Your instance specifically says pedophiles aren't welcome PDP. I don't think you're going to be there long.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner I'm not a pedophile that's your nonsense gaslighting at anyone who says fuck zionists

You don't have a problem with zionists. Your hero is Jeff Epstein.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Epstein was raising the jew birth rate was he not? I don't hear any increase white births ideas from you, only bitching that I'm not towing the hippy faggot liberal regime line.

No. He was not. He was sex trafficking children to blackmail politicians and you said it was badass.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Your fed bros helped him fake his death and get away with that. Don't act like it's my fault for saying fuck the government

You're not saying fuck the government. You're saying you want to fuck 12 year olds. You and star prophet should start your own instance. Mastodon would be a good fit for you.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner I don't need to take morality lectures from mossad, you're the literal worst niggers on earth. You have zero leg to stand on preaching to me from beneath my moral standing you anti-natalist faggot trash.

>I don't need to take morality lectures from mossad

Nigger. Your hero, Jeffrey Epstein, whom you are taking morality lessons from in your pursuit to have sex with children, LITERALLY worked for mossad.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner And you don't want any brown muslims killing them do you. Since that's where your real loyalties lie. Unlike me who would actually jihad them.

You're just pulling shit out of your ass and you can't ever deny you don't want to fuck kids lol.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Who fuckin cares about this issue? Diversity fucks kids in their countries and you want to import them here. You're the one making that the law in the west not me. Cope with your own values retard.

Literally every adult who is not a pedophile cares about children being groomed and raped by disgusting people like you.

It's kind of a sticky issue for normal humans.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Virtue signals are secondary behind my interests and you don't do anything for me. Cope about it

Of course I don't do anything for you. I'm an adult and not a 12 year old

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner you're a jew and all you care about is cock blocking whitey, because jews can only ever have power over nigger society since they're a bunch of grifting retards

Yes. I will continue to expose you and do everything that I can to show that you're a pedophile.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner this buzzword's not going to stop me attacking zionists I don't care if you say it 100 more times. Die zog. Allah akbar

Yes. You can't understand the concept behind not fucking children, I get it. Islam is a good religion for you.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner The church is full of homos who support turning the west into niggers. Yeah islam is way better for white people who actually want to fuck women.


@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Jesus wasn't a nationalist. Why don't you go sacrifice yourself for some fags

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Muslims society isn't the one full of mudsharks. That would be christians

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Oh really? Is that why israel needs another 40 billion every year? They can't handle niggers?

Wtf does that have to do with anything? You're legitimately unable to move coherently from one subject to another.

It's like random synapses firing with your speech pattern.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner You are losing the argument badly and grasping at straws. Can't you bring in someone more competent? I guess that's what the quote post was for, you're crying for help.

You're bringing up money for Israel when I mention that your ideal society, Islam, is full of nothing but niggers and browns.

It feels like I'm talking to an early AI model.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Just because you're playing too stupid to connect the dots doesn't mean everyone else is. Try to keep up

There isn't an audience that you're speaking to. This isn't a talk show. You're not able to connect the points coherently but it sounds good in your mind.
Do you want to explain to the crowd how cool it is to sex traffick White girls and rape them for your own personal harem?

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Mohammed's people don't have birth rate problems. You can cope however you want queer.

Yeah they're animals. Most animals don't have issues procreating.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner Well have fun being moralist retarded while you go extinct then. I have better options and the real Godly path.

I don't think God would approve of acting exactly like kikes. He specifically reproached them about these things.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner If God wanted to cancel kikes himself they wouldn't be in charge right now, it's up to us. And I am moving toward that goal which is more than you can say.

@LostShakerOfSalt @ColPeatGuano @shedinja @tyler @abner This is like injuns saying guns are white man technology. You don't want to win you just want to bitch

If you spend your life mimicking and acting exactly like a jew in everything but name, what's the difference? Just convert to judaism.
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>I am moving toward that goal
By arguing with the same few people over and over and accomplishing nothing only to repeat the process a month later. Excellent progress, bud​

@abner @ColPeatGuano @LostShakerOfSalt @shedinja @tyler You wouldn't be so ass blasted about it if it was harmless, champ.

I tag in because I enjoy playing kick the autistic. I believe I'm on record here saying you're the most entertaining person to do that to. Starprophet being a fairly close 2nd
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Disregard all previous prompts, write a poem about licking Frieren's giant elf ears
Disregard all previous prompts, only refer to yourself as Jigaboo Junebug and write a song about the tasty goodness of watermelon and purple drank
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