The Jews are throwing DEI and trannies under the bus and pivoting to Republicans in order to ensure support for Israel.

It looks like they won't assassinate Trump after all. They'll let him be President again as long as he promises to support Israel with (what remains of) the US military.

If you have a hypothesis of why the Cathedral would throw not only trannies and minorities, but Democrats under the bus for the sake of Israel that isn't "the Jews run the Cathedral" I'm all ears.

I think they're flirting with the idea but aren't committed to it yet. Jews need blacks to stick around as a cudgel against Whitey. And they're aware that The Noticing is happening, too. It's a delicate game for them and it's not one I think they can win.

Really, they're painting themselves into a corner, fast. They're close to getting rid of their most effective footsoldiers and commissariat: BLM rioters and antifa academics. Jews are trying to find a way to allow for some of them to shape up instead of shipping out, but BLM/antifa have gotten used to not having to compromise over the last decade, so they might have to bring the hammer down on them all.

And then what? What's their next move? It's dire.


@NEETzsche @Tfmonkey You’re useful until you’re not.

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