@VooDooMedic State enforced cuckoldry. Who else but france? 6/10 women lied and cheated

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic
I side with the government on this one. Why risk having too many disgruntled men with nothing to lose if they gladly accept cuckoldry?

@Zeb @VooDooMedic Even in places where its legal men dont do paternity tests. MUH TRUST WAHMEN.


@VooDooMedic @Zeb Lets try another situation "If you dont trust the police, talk to them" "If you dont trust your doctor, talk to them" "If you dont trust your boss, talk to them" "If you dont trust the politician, talk to them" "If you dont trust the government, talk to them". All of them stupid. Based family to point out nigger features. And good on him for not being a 12 step cuck and getting it done drama free. Almost drama free. Print a copy and delete the email. Give the copy to your mom.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

There's never a reason NOT to do a paternity test. It's basically mandatory if you're a man, it really is awesome to know for sure you're the father for real.

Why reject what took men thousand of years to achieve?

@Zeb @VooDooMedic There is a reason why the 5 ammendment exists. My grandma had a saying, tongue beats the ass, and it meant that if you opened you mouth, your ass would be whooped.

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