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VooDoo boosted

I guess somebody learned there's no such thing as freedom of speech lol. Twitter is gay too,fuck YouTube too👺🤡

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This is the social conditioning they trot this shit out and say look see this fully grown 18 adult shes gonna play the part of a 15 year old so youd better not find her attractive or else your a pedo you have to find 30 year olds attractive goy you cant like the "children" like me goy now im going to back to sucking baby penis now.

Jews rape kids


This was a study conducted by the Pew Research Center; a staggering 63% of 18 to 29-year-old men are reporting that they’re flying solo. This represents a 12% increase from 2019, meaning that the numbers are only trending upward.


63% of the entire male population of the US are incels according to pew research

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