It's embarrassing that Halsey is the most level-headed person on the show, as long as the issue isn't related to Jews and their psyops, obviously.

Then you have the goyim co-hosts still falling for Trump and Putin's Jewish theater and pretending women losing their rights would solve anything, when it's the men enforcing all the problems, including feminism.

It would be disheartening, if there weren't other channels out there that get what's going on.


But TFM does say white men are making this happen.

In the current democracy, women are the biggest voting block. That's the most important hurdle.

TFM advocates net tax payer voters only.

Of course, that would take serious reform and by force. And most people don't want to do the thing. So...

@mutageno2 Yes, he's not retarded. Someone who says women are giant babies that need men to do everything, can't then say that women have the agency to enslave everyone. However, he still pretends taking women's rights away is the solution. Higher birthrates, more worker drones. He even wants CHINA to do it.

Voting doesn't matter, only violence does. Votes are an acknowledgment of the citizens' capability for violence. Even a net taxpayer voting system would change nothing, if the men are weak.




But all this is just a fantasy if most people are sheep and nobody will do the thing.

There are very few cases when a country turned authoritarian and the people rebelled at the right time.

That's why he was talking about going to Alaska or Singapore.

Truth is, there is no safe place.

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@mutageno2 Exactly, the problem is freedom absolutists are a tiny minority, the problem is overpopulation. And yes, there won't be anywhere safe to run to. Putin isn't our ally, Trump is the same as Putin and the majority would rather vaccinate themselves or accept to fight in a world war against nazis, than to fight for their own rights.

If there were less people on this planet, this could have had a different ending, but sadly only a giant meteor can prevent what's going to happen.


Yeah, Putin just had over half a million young White men killed and is praising Russian Islamists.

China has an even worse population collapse than the West.

Things are going to get crazy suddenly at some point in the next 10 years.

@Based_Accelerationist @mutageno2 Very Good conversation You guys are having.True the source the manifestation of the evil that surrounder us isn't female nature no woman arent evil they are dumb yes cause they are literally giant children with boobs, the source of all evil is weak men destile and breed into existence by Christianity.

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist

Most slave-morality religions make weak people. Like Buddhism and Hinduism.

You can't have a master cult because it would lead to instability.

I hope some day we figure out some middle of the road where we sacrifice for a reasonable future, not for some made up magic bullshit cope.

@mutageno2 @Based_Accelerationist That is why I love Frederick Nietzsche he saw through all this almost 200 years before.

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist

I respect his perspectives but in real life he was a massive cuck.

And Schopenhauer was a bitter incel. But at least he put an end to the Hegelian nonsense.

I'm hoping for a philosopher king. Or at least a warrior.

@mutageno2 @Based_Accelerationist Well that happens when people are too aware always have something behind a philosopher King mmm Marcus Aurelious is consider one but he allow his wife cuck him even though he was the most powerfull person of his time. And a Warrior to be honest if isn't Warrior using words instead of swords I don't think a Warrior have Too much to offer to this age of human develop.

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