@TrevorGoodchild @Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta

Being exposed to heresy is so fucking tiresome. Today on The Orthodox Ethos, one of the larger JewTube Orthodox channels, Peter Heers was telling everyone that as Orthodox Christians we not only have the duty to be killed rather than kill attackers, we also shouldn't forcibly resist attempts by attackers to kill our *families*. In addition, he said we shouldn't organize to forcibly resist evil forces subverting the country. He was using quotes from some Greek Church elder of the last century, who has *not* been declared a saint, to justify this position.

(Spoilers for non-Orthodox readers: Saints Constantine, Alexander Nevsky, the Romanovs, George, and many other warrior Saints have a different opinion.)

My Spiritual Father had told me to be suspicious of this Heers character, and now I know why. Not only does this bullshit feed into modern Christians' temptation to bitch out when confronted by evil, but it also makes us look ridiculous to some of our well meaning pagan frens, particularly those who suspect that Christianity is yet another jewish trick. When Ricotta poasts the meme of Jesus with the Happy Merchant face saying, "turn the other cheek, let the jews enslave and kill you", it makes me ill -- I know his opinion comes from overexposure to dickless boomer "Christians" in America who actually believe this. If poor Ricotta gets dragged under by demons pretending to be pagan gods, these fake Christians will be the cause.

At least the Russians don't have this problem.

@Countermeasures @Starprophet

After checking Father Peter Heers' video on self-defense, all I can say is that I am appalled and disgusted that I once supported and followed him at one point.

These faggots will bring up these "theologians" and "scholars" from the last century to justify their wicked and evil positions, and then pretend that they are quoting the Fathers. I see this with several different heretics.

At least his comment section is in unified opposition to his faggotry.

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