Women folk who have kids right as they're hitting the wall run a high risk of having a retard for a kid 😏 today's 6th wave feminist thinks "reproductive rights" are maintaining the ability to fuck like hedonistic whores while being able to escape all of its consequences. They think dopamine means happy and lust means love. Women are shallow idiots that must be on a short leash. That's one thing the Muslims are right about.

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare I'd rather have a retarded kid than one that makes his pfp the smug faggot emoji.

I'd rather have a retarded kid than have an itchy scrote in my mentions unloading his vernacular of vomit

@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare lol nice attempt at sounding smart, fuckjob. Pour yourself another glass of cope, nigger


@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare Your self portrait would be fatter and more brown

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