@nomebullyyou Today I Learned: 39 year-old women cannot get pregnant... Damn, that means two kids I know must actually have both been adopted, and their mom was faking the pregnancy the whole time.

@taylan My wife was preggers with our second daughter at age 39, ackshually, lol. She'd take your right to murder unborn babies away faster than I would, though; in half a neonate's little heartbeat she would. Merry Christmas anyway, though lol

@nomebullyyou Merry Christmas. A fetus is not a baby, an embryo is not even a fetus, and a zygote is not even an embryo.
@nomebullyyou I'm quite happy nowadays but how is that related lol. "Sad people are never right"? :blobcat-googly-confused:

@taylan And I believe you 100%. That's a fact, I promise.

@taylan Your argument was all definitions, and I'm not getting paid to put on an entertaining show for people here who agree with me or anything. You can believe cold is hot and dogs are cats and your front hole smells fine and I'm not going to argue with you unless I get paid like $500 an hour for my time and labor. So, sure, you're right about everything. Your trophy is in the mail

@taylan LOL, there you go believing the shit that makes you feel good. Being an average idiot looks good on you, though. Flaunt it.


@taylan *yawn* okay winner, you're going to have to be a tedious time wasting cunt somewhere else now. Thanks for being predictable

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