Let me elaborate on my previous post:

It's a matter of observation. This Israel-Hamas war has pitted Communists like BLM (who hate Israel for ideologically consistent reasons) against Jews (who support Israel while being Leftists by employing self-serving double-standards).

Who did the entire Cathedral side with? It sided with the Jews rather than Communists. It even made BLM take back their support of Palestine.


It can't be about Communism primarily, it MUST be Jews


@Tfmonkey I think there's alternative hypotheses here too: 1. Russia's being allied with Iran, 2. Inertia from past support of Israel, 3. The Left being a hodgepodge that is bound to have these sorts of divisions and disagreements on occasion.

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@philosophy 1. Leftists have LONG supported Palestinians, and never been cracked down on like this before. None of the Palestinian-supporting Leftists support Putin either.

2. Again, this doesn't apply to Progressives traditionally. It's usually the Right that supports Israel, while the Left supports Palestine.

3. No, it was a universal crackdown. They're arresting protestors throughout Europe and Canada and treating them like Trump supporters.

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