How is the job market for you guys?

I've been on the hunt recently and I feel like I'm dating in a leftist shithole while broke and short.

@basedbagel The more stable corporations are in contraction and staying conservative due to economic climate, meanwhile plagued by diversity hiring policies.
To get around diversity hiring, you have to be highly specialized, and/or highly experienced to break past the mediocre performance of other general hires. If you're in tech, I'd suggest contracting, ask top dollar, screw the benefits since they're mostly toilet paper.

@basedbagel I was somewhat fortunate pre-covid to pick up a contract to hire position for a company that's highly diversity focused. As a bearded, white as ghost, male, I'm still surprised. I think the only reason was because everyone was so incompetent and the job market was starved for hirable talent, they couldn't hold out for alternatives.
But yes, it's a dumpster fire, and dealing with the social aspects of corporate is a shit show, but it's tolerable if you're Machiavellian enough.


" it's tolerable if you're Machiavellian enough."

True but it's times like this I wish my business didn't go belly up.

I wasn't making as much money but I had the freedom to work when I wanted, how I wanted and with who I wanted.


Now that I'm back on the job I'm doing inefficient bullshit work that has no impact and it makes me miss my biz so bad.


@basedbagel I sympathize, I know the pain. Embrace the suck, it's going to be a rough few years ahead. Just know that most people are lazy, stupid, and incompetent, and be focused at being above the norm.

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