Do you thing its worth fighting over a woman? (For argument's sake, lets say she has no rights)

In general, I believe you should be willing to fight for what matters to you

But I have mixed feelings about it when it comes to women.

I don't want to look like a pussy but I also don't see why I should risk getting my ass beat at random and look like <70 iq caveman fighting over some pussy.

What do you think?

@basedbagel i personally think you should only fight with all your might if it's valuable for you in long-terms. Fighting for a women is not worth it. Because she will never reciprocate that. Women are always replaceable unless children are involved.

Good point @AKIdreadRAK but those lizard brain instincts are hard to control in the heat of the moment.


@basedbagel @AKIdreadRAK It's a judgement call. There isn't a simple answer that is right for every situation.

For example: Is she a continuous source of disrespect or is this a single incident of an idiot attacking her?

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