@hidden @sardonicsmile

Lot of them don't even look that different. Very weak examples.
@sardonicsmile @hidden

There are ghouls that are out there tying back the skin flaps to go from a 4 to a 9, I am not crying because the country girl (who is still cute) looked slightly differently at the bar at 4 am than at lunch the next day. Holy shit, eye-liner? What a fucking fraud. Burn this witch!

It's a weak fucking example, and I said they're not substantially different, not that they're identical. Can't even pedantically correct me, midwit.

@0 @hidden

Pedantic correction is not necessary. Your position is absurd on its face.

Be sure to get your 17th booster. We will be rid of you soon.


@0 @hidden

I'd tell you to do the same but you are vaccinated and boosted. You've already killed yourself.

Remember, if your chest hurts, the vaccine is working.

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@sardonicsmile @hidden

"This person didn't agree with me that makeup is a trick for women. They must be vaccinated."

So, no bitches, eh?
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