@sardonicsmile I think I heard Sandman say on an Undead Chronic stream that he predicts, 40% of men will be MGTOW, 40% will be incel and 20% will be PUAs or alpha male gurus or whatever.

@I_AmTheKnight That sounds too generous. I think 70%+ will be incel or invisible men.
Women have won fair and square. Also "The wall" is an incel cope.
It is stupid to think older women have no power in the sexual marketplace.

@sardonicsmile I think it’s a good rough estimate, Mgtow and Incels would statistically be split, I think there’s an equal amount of them in the given population, they both add up to 80%, then that leaves the 20% which are PUAs, chads and guros. Not sure if I can say women have won as it was a very small percentage of women that pushed for women’s rights during the suffragette movement. It would be better to say the progressives won in successfully subverting western society.


@I_AmTheKnight OH they've won alright. Just look around you.

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